Talking Tom and Friends - S03
Episodes (26)
1. Pirates of Love2. Superhero Picnic3. Mission: Delete4. A Garage Affair5. Talent Show6. The Queen of Drones7. Treasure Hunt8. The Galactic Friends9. Troubled Couples10. The Lost Scouts11. Hero Hank12. Fancy Party13. The Substitute Teacher14. Tom the Brave15. The Sixth Friend16. Kids Again17. The Other Tom18. The Big Nano Lie19. Corn Heads20. Hank vs. Vampires21. The Dance Contest22. Unfriend 'Em All!23. The Yes Girl24. Cheat Code25. Retro Sonic Angela26. Glitch Apocalypse
Synopsis Talking Tom and Friends - S03
Armed with technological gear, great ideas and an unfailing sense of humour, Talking Tom and his friends are on a mission to reach stardom at all costs.
- Colin Hanks
- Lisa Schwartz
- James Adomian
- Maria Bamford
- Tom Kenny